& Exposition Center

Facilities & Rates
The Mariposa Fairgrounds is the ideal location for your next event – no matter how big or small! There are several different location options, indoor and outdoor, with plenty of parking and best of all, at an affordable price. See below for more detailed information on location options and rental rates.
You can also click here to download a grounds map.
If you are interested in renting, please contact the fairgrounds office at 209-966-2432 or email us at mariposafair@sti.net
Rental Options
Fairgrounds: 36 acres. Seven buildings, six kitchens, restrooms, arena w/grandstand, horse stalls, barns, show rings, outdoor stages and pavilions. Lawns, shade trees, landscaping. Waterfall.
Building A (Sequoia Hall)
5000 square feet.
Stage, PA, Bar, Podium, Restrooms. Commercial kitchen includes steam table, two ovens, grill, burners, 3-door refrigerator, sink. Adjacent to main parking lot. Comes with 30" x 8' banquet tables and chairs. Capacity: 400 dining; 650 assembly.
Building B (Manzanita Hall)
5000 square feet.
Portable stage and PA, Bar, Podium, Restrooms attached to outside. Small kitchen includes stove, refrigerator, sink. Comes with 30"x8' banquet tables and chairs. Capacity: 320 dining; 600 assembly.
Building C (Redbud Room)
1152 square feet dining/assembly area plus commercial kitchen.
Portable stage and PA, Bar, Podium, Restrooms. Comes with 30"x8' banquet tables and chairs. Commercial kitchen includes walk-in refrigerator, grill, burners, two ovens, steam table, two sinks, pantry and food storage areas. Capacity: 125 dining; 200 assembly.
Building D
1152 square feet. Inside restrooms and extra room for storage, first aid, etc. No kitchen. Comes with 8'x30" tables and chairs. Portable PA, bar and podium on request. Capacity: 100 banquet, 175 theater.
Picnic Area
Includes outdoor stage with dressing rooms, concrete dance floor. Restrooms, picnic tables, barbeque. Adjacent to parking lot. Lawn, shade trees, flowers. Capacity: Depends on activity. 300 tent campers, 1000+ for concerts, dances, etc.
Fiske Barbeque Area
Includes picnic tables. Secluded area. Lawn, shade trees and flowers. Adjacent to deep pit barbeque and restrooms. Capacity: Depends on activity. 50 tent campers, 300 for picnic or barbeque.
Gold Bowl Arena and Grandstand:
Turf footfall field in center, surrounded by 1/4 mile dirt track. Roping, bucking and loading chutes. Stock corrals and portable panels and gates for individual set up requirements. Arena lighting for night events. Grandstand seating for 3000 plus portable bleachers. Wiring for your PA system. Ticket Booth, Concession Stands and Restrooms. Fairgrounds staff will set-up for the event to your specifications and operate tractor and water truck as needed. Used for camping, sports (football, soccer, baseball), rodeos, destruction derbies, horse shows, mud bogs, etc.
Livestock Area
Includes horse barn with 28 stalls, four barns including portable pens for sheep, goats, swine, etc. and pigeon, poultry and rabbit cages, tie barn for cattle, wash racks, livestock office, covered pavilion with concrete floor and bleacher seating. Four show rings. Adjacent to food/beverage concession stands and restrooms with showers.
Other Facilities Available:
Wedding Area: Outside under large oak tree on concrete patio. Landscaped. Waterfall. Perfect for wedding ceremonies.
Dressing rooms adjacent. Benches available.
Indian Area: Approximately 5000 square feet. Covered with shade cloth May-October. Lawn. Used for camping, craft shows, picnics, any type of outdoor activity.
Beer Garden: Approximately 1200 square feet. Covered with shade cloth and vines in Spring/Summer. Enclosed area, stage, tables, benches.
Butterfly Stand: Located in center of fairgrounds. Used for beverage service, information stand, etc.
Red Barn: Approximately 600 square feet. Located adjacent to livestock area. Includes tables/chairs and kitchen with commercial stove, refrigerator, sink and food serving area. Used as food concession, small meeting room, etc.
Grandstand Concession: Approximately 250 square feet. Located in grandstand area. Includes commercial refrigerator, sink, hot plate and food preparation and service areas.
Cowboy Booth: Approximately 300 square feet. Located behind arena. Used to serve food/beverages to event participants.
Portable Ticket Booths: Approximately 4'x4'. Can be located anywhere on fairgrounds.
Water truck, tractor, etc. plus operator for special events.
Picnic tables, benches and trash receptacles.
Portable PA system.
Portable staging.
Services Provided:
Office personnel to assist you with planning your event.
Maintenance personnel to set up to your specifications and to maintain restrooms, trash removal and other needs during your event.
General liability and liquor liability insurance at reasonable rates.
Assistance in contracting entertainment and special programs.
Assistance with contracting food and beverage providers and/or caterers.
Assistance with organizing tours, transportation and special activities.
Reservations are required.
Proof of insurance is needed. Fairgrounds staff can assist you with this requirement.
Pets must be on a leash at all times.
Complete copy of interim rental policies is available through the fairgrounds office.